Interview Between Keith Kankovsky and Bob Harriman, Port Lighting
How long have you been an Apollo Design® Technology, Inc. customer?
I placed my first Apollo order 3 weeks after Joel and Keersten opened the doors of Apollo Custom. I still have an Apollo Custom jacket at home.
How did you first learn about Apollo Design®?
It was actually through a customer, Estelle McDonald. She was out at an event and mentioned that she found a new gobo manufacturer to Todd Gerrish, President, and Founder of Port Lighting.
You guys were just starting to do basic metal gobos. Everyone before this was having gobos made out of brass. No one else was doing much of anything.
How would you describe Apollo’s customer service?
Over the years, it’s been fantastic with everyone I’ve ever dealt with. Have there been hiccups along the way? Sure, but for the most part, I’ve never had any issues at all. And the few that I had you guys have taken care of it immediately, come to an amicable solution, sometimes replacing things for free – whatever it may be. Heck, I remember calling Joel on a Sunday. He answered the phone – he was on his tractor mowing his lawn – and he answered the phone!
A customer needed a gobo done. He was on tour. He needed it done. Back then, I still remember Joel telling me that he would go in there himself and do it all. He did the artwork, and the etch and literally got it to the airport and got it done.
The thing is, that’s extremely rare ever to hear anyone at Apollo tell a customer, “No,” they can’t do something. I honestly can’t remember a time when anyone over there has ever told me that.
How would you characterize the quality, availability, and delivery time for Apollo Design® products and services?
For the most part, very good. I’ll be honest, over the last few years since I’ve had Andrew here I don’t do much ordering of gobos.
As I said, it’s very rare – it’s extremely rare – that I’ve ever heard Apollo say they couldn’t do something in the timeframe given. And we all know this industry. We know that we have shows that day, on the following day, and there’s no lee way.
What is your favorite Apollo product and why?
It’s hard to pick one. You know, for me it’s more of a progression being with Apollo all these years to see how much it has grown from doing basic standard metal gobos to doing green laser, to doing PrintScenic™, and doing full-color 20,000 DPI. For me, it’s more about that progression than it is that one product.
Please tell us about your relationship with your Apollo Sales Rep?
Which one? I can go all the way back to Larry, to you, to Rita, to Mary, and everyone in between. How far back do you want me to go?
I’ve worked with the best of the best starting with Larry. What more can I say?
We’ve been very fortunate to have done business with you and Todd and the rest of the guys at Port Lighting. Here’s to many more years ahead, my brother!
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