Lori Loves .6 Neutral Density Apollo Gel

Apollo received an entertaining albeit serious email requesting help to select the best light filter option. Maybe you can relate.

Lori wrote:


I’m in dire need of a fix for an awful glare in my office.

Within 10 minutes of being in the room, my eyes are WIDE open! Like watching a spy movie when they put the person under extreme conditions of noise, light, sleep deprivation — you name it.

We just relocated to a new space. 

The person in charge of the renovation didn’t seem to think it was too bright while she stood there for 5 minutes yesterday. After I told her, “I feel like I’ve been captured and put through an interrogation by some rogue nation,” she just stood there glaring at me (pardon the pun).

Three things are of most importance: my sanity, eyesight, and pocketbook.

Your prices are very reasonable. Since my company won’t purchase something to make my day tolerable, I appreciate your thoughtfulness on cost.

Can you recommend a cover that would help resolve this issue for me? 

My office is small so nothing too dark, but anything that will dull that glare over my desk and the computer would be perfect.



We retrieved more information to ensure that our product was indeed a good fit for her and the light fixtures in her office. Lori responded:

Hi Andrea, 

Thanks for getting back to me, and for enjoying my description.

I now sit in the dark with a desk light (that I paid for) because that dreadful bright glare and computer screen combo are unbearable. 

The unfortunate thing is it’s a small area and I’m getting a roommate soon. Trying to move somewhere else in the space to diffuse some of that brightness is NOT happening.

The light is exactly as your attachment.

Because my employer won’t provide a solution, I would like something that they won’t walk in and say, “What’s that?”

I think a scenic design would be nice but the basic of basic to save my eyesight and prevent the headaches from the glare is the right fix.

My manager is sympathetic to the situation, but my employer is all about the dime. Ironically, I work for a hospital-based group.

Based on my description you can make your recommendations.

Hope your weekend is great!


Neutral Density Apollo Gel works in the same way as standard sunglasses and seemed to be the best fit for Lori. It doesn’t change the colors seen but knocks down the glare. Due to the size of the office, .6 Neutral Density was the recommended option.

Lori wrote back to us on Valentine’s Day:

Hi Andrea,

I received the light cover, and we put it in on Tuesday.

It literally took 5 minutes: 3 minutes to find someone tall enough to reach from a chair and 2 minutes to install.

I’m proud to report that all four dreadful lights are on and the glare is gone!!!

Thank you for saving my eyesight!

Just tell me where to leave my review. I will be more than happy to say how awesome you and your company have been.

You’re a great example of an authentic business that takes pride in what you do!

Thanks again.

Happy Day,


Thank you, Lori, for taking the time to share your results with all of us.

Apollo Design® is thrilled to learn about the difference our products make in the lives of our customers. If you have a recommendation for us, we want to hear from you, too.

Lori and a tall colleague install .6 Neutral Density Apollo Gel.






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