July Work Anniversaries

Top to Bottom, Left to Right: Crystal Gonzales, Marketing Coordinator, Rita LeFavour, Customer Relations Specialist, Melissa Montes, Customer Care Representative, Joel Nichols, Chief Innovation Officer, Keersten Nichols, President.

I want to congratulate all the employees who are celebrating July work anniversaries. What a great group of people!

Crystal Gonzales, Apollo’s Marketing Coordinator, has been brightening our inboxes with funny emojis for over 8 years now.

Melissa Montes has been on our Customer Care team for 3 years now. Thanks to Melissa, it runs like a top.

Rita LeFavour, our Customer Relations Specialist, has over 20 years of Apollo experience. Her knowledge and background are only surpassed by her golf skills (that have taken bundles of cash from our executive team more than once).

And then there is the Dynamic Duo of Joel and Keersten Nichols, co-founders of our three companies on Fourier Drive: Apollo Design Technology®, AVID Labs®, and Blue Pony.

Joel is the serial entrepreneur and “creative” engine of Apollo who has more new product ideas every day before most people have their first cup of coffee. I like to think of Joel as the combination of Zig Ziglar and the Energizer Bunny.

If Joel is the “creative” engine, then Keersten is the “everything else” engine of Apollo. Her process orientation and “git ‘er done” attitude is the driving force behind our ability to execute and deliver all the new products that Joel designs.

These two started this crazy enterprise out of their basement 27 years ago and continue to amaze me every day since. They are truly a joy to work for, and I am looking forward to many years more (not sure about 27 more, but many)!

Congratulations to all these folks on your July Anniversary!

Nick Picciuto

Chief Financial Officer

Nick Picciuto, Chief Financial Officer






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