To be or not to be, that is the question. *
As far as we know Prince Hamlet isn’t attending LDI, but if you are we want your opinion.
The manufacturing of gel hasn’t changed a great deal over the years. “You truly are buying your grandfather’s gel,” commented Joel Nichols, Innovator of Apollo Design®. That is, until now.
Apollo is developing a new process for printed gel that produces optically clean, clear gels, in real time and without requiring extensive inventory reserves.
Tell us what you think: Is this of interest to you? Is the industry ready for this shift?
Stop by Apollo’s LDI Booth #1431, November 17-19, and view Apollo’s printed gel, see them in use, and give Joel feedback.
Who knows? We may premiere Apollo Design® Gel, Act II, Scene II at LDI 2018.
*Shakespeare. Hamlet. Act III, Scene I.
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