Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Chapter 1: The One Where Joel Gets an Idea

    Joel and Keersten Nichols are entrepreneurs at heart. Their first joint business venture was a horse-drawn carriage company serving the downtown Fort Wayne population. Apollo, the horse, was one of their most beloved employees whose pay consisted of oats, hay, and the occasional sugar cube. While Corban Carriage was rewarding, it was short-lived. Joel and…

  • Introduction: The One Where Apollo Sets the Stage

    Apollo Design® Technology, Inc. officially launched in January 1992, from the basement of Joel and Keersten Nichols’ 900-square-foot home in Fort Wayne, Indiana. During the remainder of this year, Apollo Design® will share highlights of their journey with you, interviews of its employees and a few Apollo dealers, and blogs from their earlier days. We…

  • A Look Back: Gobo Storage Tips

    September 2, 2010 The problem with gobos is that they are fairly fragile and we use them in one of the roughest environments where they can get torn, tangled, scratched or shattered. Something that folks always ask me on my travels is how to store them. Apollo ships the steel and glass patterns in fairly…

  • A Look Back: Tip From Our Tech Department

    August 20, 2013 by I.T.Team Tip From Our Tech Department Our tech department is here to help you with your questions. Many of the questions can be found in the manuals, but sometimes a human voice can go a long way. One of the common questions they get is: Why run a return line from the…

  • Unique Solutions For Your Projects

    New Tools, New Skills and New Talent Have you ever wondered about Apollo’s machine shop and their capabilities? Joel’s here to show you a selection of our past innovations and some the unique capabilities that we can bring to bear. No challenge is too big or too small for our skilled technicians.

  • The One Where Apollo Always Delivers on Time: Customer Interview with Solotech

    How long have you been an Apollo Design® Technology, Inc. customer? Answer– We have been working with Apollo since 1998. How did you first learn about Apollo Design®? Answer– We were approached by Apollo at the annual Montreal Pro Audio Trade Show. How would you describe Apollo’s customer service? Answer– Customer service is what makes…

  • A Look Back: Apollo’s Version Of Customer Service

    In 2004 a paper was posted on the wall in the sales department with a saying, I am sure most of you have seen it or a variation. It read: “Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part”. I have always considered us a customer service driven company and just…

  • The One Where a Lighting Design Student Wins Big with Apollo

    Tuesday Curran (Anderson) Southwick, Barbizon (Charlotte/Atlanta Area) – Guest Blogger The 25th Anniversary of Apollo Design® Technology, Inc. reminds me of the time I submitted an entry to Apollo’s 2006 Creative Use of Gel Campaign and won. I was a lighting design student at San Diego State University at the time. It was a project I made…

  • The One Where Milad Goes Backstage During a JLo Concert in Chile

    Staff Interview with MILAD KHOULI, Senior Account Executive – International Tell us about Apollo Design® Technology’s global presence. Apollo Design® is a global player. We have dealers on every populated continent and are known for our ability to ship products quickly to the far corners of the globe. We make ourselves available to dealers who have questions…

  • The One Where Apollo’s Customer Service Has Always Been Exemplary

    Customer Interview with White Light Ltd., UK How long have you been an Apollo Design® Technology, Inc. customer? We have used Apollo products for at least the last fifteen years. How did you first learn about Apollo Design®? Our Sales Director, Peter Threadgold, first saw Apollo products at an LDI Show in the U.S. in…

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